Dungeon Fitness
2901 Perry Ave. Ste. 3
Bremerton, WA 98310
In preparation for the upcoming powerlifting meet in February (which is for new lifters), we will be offering several powerlifting clinics to help athletes prepare.
The first clinic will be Powerlifting Fundamentals. This will explain: the sport of powerlifting, rules, judging, equipment, etiquette, how to be prepared for weigh ins, gear check, attempt selection and more.
Additional clinics to follow will be covering each individual lift, strategy for peaking, deload, warm ups day of and more.
You can sign up for individual clinics or take advantage of a bundle for the series.
Jan 10th: Fundamentals 6-9pm
$20 for members $40 non members
Jan 17th: Squat Clinic ( Maximize your squat for powerlifting) 6-9pm
$20 for members $40 non members
Jan 24th: Bench clinic ( maximize your powerlifting bench Technique) 6-9pm
$20 for members $40 for non members
January 31st: Deadlift Clinic (maximize your Powerlifting Deadlift technique) 6-9pm
$20 for members $40 for non members
Full series discount $70 for members $140 non members
Contact us:
Instagram: @officialdungeonfitness
Facebook: fb.com/dungeonfitness360
Email: dfstrength@gmail.com